Have you ever wondered who the lovable characters are in the popular Chicken Little movie? From quirky cows to witty mice, this animated film introduces us to a diverse ensemble of barnyard friends. Get ready to meet each character and discover their unique role in the story. But first, can you name the main characters of the Chicken Little movie? Test your knowledge and join us on a journey through the barnyard!

Key Takeaways:

  • Chicken Little features a colorful cast of barnyard characters who make the movie entertaining and heartwarming.
  • Otis, the holstein dairy bull, is the brave leader of the barnyard and is voiced by Chris Hardwick in the show and Kevin James in the movie.
  • Pip, the witty gray mouse with a Mexican accent, serves as Otis’s best friend and is voiced by Jeffrey Garcia.
  • Miles, the wise and fatherly animal, offers guidance to Otis throughout the film and is voiced by Danny Glover.
  • Freddy, the mentally unstable ferret, brings some unpredictable fun to the barnyard and is voiced by Cam Clarke.


Otis, the charismatic leader of the barnyard, is a holstein dairy bull known for his strength and courage. As the adopted son of the late Ben, he carries the weight of his father’s legacy while ensuring the safety and well-being of his fellow barnyard friends. In the animated film, Otis is brought to life by two talented voice actors – Chris Hardwick in the show and Kevin James in the movie.

With his strong physique and playful nature, Otis brings joy and laughter to the barnyard. He loves to engage in playful pranks with his friends and is always there to lend a helping hand when needed. Whether it’s organizing events or leading the group in challenging situations, Otis is a reliable and fearless leader.

Despite his mischievous nature, Otis also possesses a compassionate side. He cares deeply for his friends and is willing to put himself in harm’s way to protect them. Otis’s unwavering loyalty and bravery inspire others to be the best version of themselves.

“Otis is a true example of strength and courage. His leadership qualities and selfless acts make him an inspiration to those around him.”

With each portrayal by the talented voice actors, Otis comes to life, captivating audiences with his charm and endearing personality. Chris Hardwick and Kevin James bring their unique voices and comedic timing, adding depth and authenticity to Otis’s character.

Voice ActorPortrayal
Chris HardwickThe TV Show
Kevin JamesThe Movie

Through the voice actors’ expert performances, Otis’s character flourishes on screen, creating an unforgettable and relatable experience for viewers of all ages.

Experience the charm and charisma of Otis as he leads the barnyard adventures with his friends. Amidst the laughter and mischief, Otis’s courage and leadership serve as valuable lessons for us all.


In the animated film Chicken Little, Pip is a gray mouse with a Mexican accent who serves as Otis’s best friend.
Known for his witty remarks and quick thinking, Pip adds a humorous touch to the barnyard gang. Voiced by Jeffrey Garcia,
he brings the character to life with his distinctive voice and comedic timing.

Pip’s small stature doesn’t stop him from being a big presence in the barnyard. He often rides around on Otis’s shoulder,
offering advice and lending a helping hand whenever needed. His loyalty and cleverness make him an integral part of the
group dynamic.

Aside from his role as a trusted friend, Pip has a crush on Bessy, a sassy brown cow, and enjoys joining in
on mischievous adventures. One of his favorite pastimes is raiding mouse traps at Mrs. Beady’s house, adding an exciting
element to his character.

Overall, Pip’s unique Mexican accent, quick wit, and fearless nature make him an unforgettable character in Chicken Little.
His voice actor, Jeffrey Garcia, brings charm and charisma to the role, making Pip an endearing and entertaining addition
to the barnyard gang.


Meet Miles, the oldest and wisest animal in the barnyard. As a father figure to Otis, he plays a crucial role in guiding and mentoring the young cow. Miles’s sage advice and unwavering commitment to peace and order make him an invaluable member of the barnyard community.

Voiced by the talented Danny Glover, Miles brings depth and wisdom to his character. His rich and resonant voice captures Miles’s wisdom, compassion, and unwavering dedication to keeping the barnyard harmonious.

“Peace comes from within. Embrace your true self and find solace in the unity of the barnyard,” Miles often advises.

Miles’s vast life experience and deep understanding of the animal world make him a trusted source of guidance and support. Whenever Otis faces a challenge or uncertainty, Miles is there to offer his calming presence and thoughtful advice.

Whether it’s resolving conflicts among the barnyard animals, mediating disputes, or nurturing the growth of each individual, Miles exemplifies the qualities of a wise leader and mentor. His voice resonates with authority and inspires others to seek peace, understanding, and unity.

Just like any other family, the barnyard relies on the guidance and wisdom of its senior members. And Miles, with his gentle demeanor and profound insights, serves as a pillar of strength for Otis and the entire barnyard community.

The Wisdom of Miles

AgeMiles is the oldest animal in the barnyard, with years of life experience behind him.
WisdomHis profound understanding of the barnyard dynamics and his calming presence make him the voice of reason.
PeacekeeperMiles’s main goal is to maintain peace and harmony among the barnyard animals. He resolves conflicts and encourages understanding.
MentorshipAs a father figure to Otis, Miles offers guidance and support, helping the young cow navigate the challenges of life.

Miles’s character reminds us of the importance of wisdom, compassion, and maintaining peace within our communities. Through his voice, Danny Glover brings this beloved barnyard character to life, captivating audiences with his timeless wisdom and endearing personality.


Freddy is a ferret who adds an unpredictable element to the barnyard dynamics. Known for his unstable mental health, Freddy is voiced by the talented voice actor Cam Clarke. With a penchant for eating his friends and a fascination with explosives, Freddy certainly brings a unique energy to the gang. Despite his quirks, he remains a loyal member of the barnyard community.

TraitsEats friends, enjoys explosives
Voice ActorCam Clarke
RoleLoyal member of the barnyard gang


In this section, we will explore the character of Peck, a rooster who brings joy and laughter to the barnyard. Despite the constant threat of being eaten by his best friend, Freddy the ferret, Peck remains blissfully unaware and embraces life with unwavering optimism. Let’s delve into the details of this lovable character.

Peck is voiced by Rob Paulsen, a talented voice actor who brings the character to life with his expressive voice and comedic timing.

Hailing from the barnyard school, Peck takes on the role of a teacher. However, his accident-prone nature often leads to comical mishaps that leave everyone laughing. Despite his frequent blunders, Peck’s dedication to educating the barnyard animals is unwavering.

This rooster’s infectious optimism and can-do attitude inspire those around him to face challenges head-on. Through his gentle and caring nature, Peck serves as a pillar of support for his friends, offering guidance and encouragement whenever they need it.

Peck’s Character Traits

To better understand Peck, let’s take a closer look at his notable character traits:

  • Optimistic: Peck always sees the bright side of life, even in the face of adversity.
  • Dedicated: He takes his role as a teacher seriously and wholeheartedly commits to educating the barnyard animals.
  • Accident-prone: Peck’s clumsiness often leads to humorous situations, providing endless entertainment for his friends.
  • Trustworthy: Despite Freddy’s constant attempts to eat him, Peck remains loyal and maintains an unwavering trust in their friendship.

“The barnyard wouldn’t be the same without Peck’s infectious optimism and hilarious blunders. He brings laughter and light to all of us.” – Otis, the barnyard leader.

Peck’s upbeat energy and unwavering positivity make him a beloved character among fans of the Chicken Little movie. Whether he’s in the classroom or interacting with his friends, Peck’s presence brings a sense of warmth and joy to the barnyard.

CharacterVoice ActorDescription
PeckRob PaulsenA lovable rooster who serves as the barnyard’s teacher. He is accident-prone but remains blissfully optimistic and dedicated to educating his fellow animals.


Pig is a beloved character in the barnyard, known for his unique personality and charm. Voiced by Tino Insana, Pig brings humor and warmth to the animated film. As his name suggests, Pig is a dull and obese pig, but don’t let his appearance fool you. He is a talented baker and chef, creating delicious treats for his friends in the barnyard. Pig’s love for food is evident, and he often indulges in his favorite meals, making him a relatable character for many viewers.

In addition to his culinary skills, Pig possesses a beautiful singing voice, which enchants both his fellow barnyard animals and the audience. His melodic tones bring joy and harmony to the barnyard, creating an atmosphere of happiness and togetherness.

Despite Pig’s somewhat gross habits and his tendency to overeat, he is a valued member of the barnyard. His cheerful and optimistic nature brings laughter to all those around him. Pig’s unconditional love for his pet skunk is endearing and showcases his gentle and caring side. Together, they embark on various adventures, adding excitement and laughter to the barnyard’s daily life.

Throughout the movie, Pig’s role emphasizes the importance of embracing one’s unique traits and being comfortable in one’s own skin. Despite his flaws, Pig is accepted and loved by his friends, demonstrating the value of inclusivity and friendship. His character serves as a reminder to embrace individuality and find joy in the simple pleasures of life.


Duke is the farmer’s black and white sheepdog. With dreams of becoming the leader of the barnyard, Duke possesses a lovable charm that endears him to his fellow animals. While he may not be the brightest in the bunch, Duke makes up for it with his unwavering loyalty and devotion. Whether it’s keeping watch over the flock or lending a helping paw, Duke is always there for his friends.

Voiced by Dom Irrera, Duke’s distinctive voice brings his character to life. Dom’s talents shine through as he captures Duke’s optimistic spirit and playful nature. From his mischievous antics to his heartwarming moments, Duke’s voice actor adds depth and personality to this beloved barnyard companion.

Beneath the Fur: Duke’s Endearing Qualities

  • Duke’s unwavering loyalty provides a comforting presence in the barnyard.
  • Despite his lack of common sense, Duke’s lovable personality makes him a favorite among the animals.
  • With his charming antics, Duke never fails to put a smile on everyone’s face.

It’s no wonder that audiences of all ages adore Duke. His relatable flaws, kind heart, and memorable voice make him a standout character in the barnyard.

“Duke’s voice brings joy and laughter to the barnyard. His lovable nature and endearing flaws make him a beloved character.” – Critic Name

CharacterVoice ActorDescription
DukeDom IrreraThe farmer’s black and white sheepdog, Duke dreams of becoming the leader of the barnyard. While he may lack common sense, Duke’s loyalty and charm make him a beloved member of the barnyard gang.


Abby is a beloved female cow in the barnyard community. With her friendly nature and warm heart, she has formed strong bonds with everyone around her. As one of the key characters in the Chicken Little movie, Abby brings a unique personality to the group.

Voiced by the talented Leigh-Allyn Baker, Abby’s voice brings life and charm to the character. Her voice acting skills perfectly capture Abby’s athleticism, organization, and compassion. Leigh-Allyn Baker’s portrayal gives Abby a distinct voice that resonates with viewers and adds depth to her character.

Abby’s role in the barnyard is crucial, as she replaces Daisy as Otis’s love interest in the movie. Her presence brings a fresh dynamic to the story, providing an exciting new avenue for character development and interaction.

As an athletic cow, Abby is always up for a challenge and never backs down from an adventure. Her strength and agility make her a formidable companion in the barnyard. Whether it’s participating in races, performing acrobatics, or simply lending a helping hand to others, Abby’s athleticism shines through in everything she does.

One notable trait that sets Abby apart is her allergy to petunias. This unique characteristic adds an interesting and comedic element to her character, making her even more endearing to audiences.

Abby’s Key Attributes:

  • Athletic
  • Organized
  • Compassionate
  • Replaces Daisy as Otis’s love interest
  • Allergic to petunias

In summary, Abby, voiced by Leigh-Allyn Baker, is a remarkable character in the Chicken Little movie. With her athleticism and organization, she brings a unique energy and charm to the barnyard. Her role as Otis’s love interest adds an engaging twist to the story, while her allergy to petunias adds comedic relief. Abby is a memorable character that audiences of all ages will adore.


Bessy is a sassy brown cow in the barnyard who isn’t afraid to speak her mind. With her witty remarks and sharp tongue, she never fails to add a dose of humor to any situation. Voiced by the talented Wanda Sykes, Bessy’s voice brings her vibrant personality to life.

Known for her mischievous nature, Bessy is always up to something. Whether it’s pulling pranks on her fellow barnyard friends or cracking sarcastic jokes, she keeps everyone on their toes. Her heart may seem tough as nails, but deep down, she cares deeply for her friends and would do anything for them.

“Life’s too short to take everything so seriously. Gotta keep the laughter alive, even in the barnyard!”

Despite her rough exterior, Bessy has a heart of gold. She may not always show it, but when her friends need her, she’s there without hesitation. Bessy’s loyalty is unwavering, and her quick thinking often saves the day.


CharacterVoice ActorDescription
BessyWanda SykesA sassy brown cow with a heart of gold. Known for her witty remarks and mischievous nature.

As you can see from the table, Bessy is voiced by the talented Wanda Sykes, who brings her character to life with her unique voice and comedic timing.

Bessy’s presence in the barnyard adds a touch of humor and sassiness to the group dynamic. Her spirited personality and unwavering loyalty make her a beloved member of the barnyard family.

Nora Beady

Nora Beady is a crazy old woman who believes that animals can walk and talk. She is voiced by Maria Bamford. Nora is constantly trying to expose the barnyard animals but is often dismissed as insane. Her husband Nathan supports her, albeit reluctantly.

Nathan Beady

Nathan Beady is a character in Chicken Little, and he is voiced by Steve Oedekerk. He is the husband of Nora Beady and their contrasting personalities often create humorous situations in the barnyard. While Nathan spends most of his time watching TV and drinking soda, he thinks Nora is crazy due to her beliefs that animals can talk and walk. Despite their differences, Nathan still loves and cares for Nora.

Nathan Beady’s character adds a touch of realism and relatability to the storyline. His portrayal by Steve Oedekerk brings humor and depth to the character, making him a memorable part of the Chicken Little movie. Nathan’s desire for a quieter life contrasts with the chaos and adventure in the barnyard, providing a unique perspective on the dynamics of the community.

Through Nathan Beady, Chicken Little showcases the complexities of relationships and the acceptance of differences. He serves as a reminder that love can transcend disagreements and that understanding can be found even in the most unconventional circumstances. Steve Oedekerk’s voice acting brings Nathan Beady to life, adding another layer of entertainment to the film.


Who are the main characters in the movie Chicken Little?

The main characters in Chicken Little include Otis, Pip, Miles, Freddy, Peck, Pig, Duke, Abby, Bessy, Nora Beady, and Nathan Beady.

Who voices Otis in Chicken Little?

Otis is voiced by Chris Hardwick in the show and Kevin James in the movie.

What is Pip’s personality like?

Pip is a witty mouse with a Mexican accent. He is known for his humorous remarks and often rides around on Otis’s shoulder.

Who voices Miles in the movie?

Miles is voiced by Danny Glover.

What character traits does Freddy possess?

Freddy is a ferret characterized by his unstable mental health. He has a fondness for eating his friends and explosives.

Who provides the voice for Peck?

Peck is voiced by Rob Paulsen. He is the accident-prone rooster who is best friends with Freddy.

What are some notable characteristics of Pig?

Pig is a dull and obese pig who loves to eat and spend time with his pet skunk. He is a talented baker and chef with a beautiful singing voice.

Who voices Duke in Chicken Little?

Duke is voiced by Dom Irrera. He is the farmer’s black and white sheepdog who dreams of becoming the leader of the barnyard.

What traits does Abby possess?

Abby is portrayed as an athletic and organized cow who has an allergy to petunias. She is friends with everyone in the barnyard.

Who voices Bessy in the movie?

Bessy is voiced by Wanda Sykes. She is a sassy brown cow who is known for pulling pranks and has a heart of acid.

What characterizes Nora Beady?

Nora Beady is a crazy old woman who believes that animals can walk and talk. She is constantly trying to expose the barnyard animals but is often dismissed as insane.

Who voices Nathan Beady?

Nathan Beady is voiced by Steve Oedekerk. He is Nora Beady’s husband, who often wishes for a quieter life despite supporting his wife.
